About The Artist


K’_alaag’aa Jaat hín uu díi kya’áng. Díi Yáalaagang. Díi Kaigani Yahgw jáanaas jan-gáagang. Xúuj duu díi íijang, Hydaburg isgyan Q’ adnas Klinkwan uu hl íijang. Kaagwaantaan yádi áyá Xát, ch’áak’ kudi hít. Angoon Kwáandáx áyá xát. Deisheetan Deishu Hit dachxn yxat.

Native Diamonds founder Samantha Biasca carries the Haida Name of K’_alaag’aa Jaat - Strong Capable Woman, Ambitious. She is Alaskan Haida - Raven Moiety, of the Double Finned Killer Whale Clan, Brown Bear House in Hydaburg & Dogfish Shark House in Klinkwan from the Scott, Morrison, & Vandal families. She is Tlingit- Child of The Eagle Wolf Clan, of the Eagles Nest House in Sitka, grandchild of the Raven Beaver Clan End of the Trail House of Angoon, of the Jackson & Bell families. She is Iñupiaq, Inuit from Shishmaref from the Barr family. She also comes from the Williams, Preusser, and Biasca families from Northern California where she was raised on the Pacific Ocean.

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K’_alaag’aa Jaat began making Native Art such as Sea otter and Seal skin sewing, Red and Yellow Cedar Weaving, Ravenstail weaving, Button Blanket Regalia Making, Cedar Carving, Deerskin Drum Making, Working with traditional Alaska Native Medicines, and Singing & Dancing with Alaska Native groups largely mentored by her Aunt Vicki Soboleff. Her obsession with Abalone Shell Jewelry led her to begin creating Whimsical Sea Inspired jewelry. Her pieces were requested so frequently that her Media & Marketing Business Consultant Alicia Diamond created space for Native Diamonds to blossom.

To read more about the artists that inspire K’_alaag’aa Jaat visit “Indigenous Artists”